Making the switch to all natural skin care products can seem intimidating but it doesn’t need to be. Don’t waste one more day depriving your skin of all the benefits involved with these nutrient rich alternatives to your everyday routine. It may take some getting used to (especially the smell of ACV) however, I’ve found these antidotes to be much more effective AND affordable than the mid-range products I’d been buying for years! The great news is, whether you make your own or find your favorite all-natural line, there are many options out there. Remember that you have spent your entire life shaping the condition of your skin so results don’t happen overnight but with consistency and the right remedies, you will begin to see an incredible difference in your overall appearance…I know I have. And as with anything involving your personal health, always be sure to fully research something before you try it.
1. Switch out your moisturizer for Jojoba Oil. Jojoba is the most similar to our skin’s natural sebum and doesn’t leave behind any greasy feeling residue. I could bathe in this stuff.
2. Apple cider vinegar (commonly referred to as ACV) works wonders as a skin brightening toner, balancing your pH levels and getting rid of red, splotchy skin. It’s nutrient rich properties are full of enzymes, pectin, B vitamins, folic acid and potassium that promote overall health. Try replacing your old toner with your very own concoction of equal parts ACV and water (for more sensitive skin) and gradually work your way up to a more potent remedy. It’s important to note that you only really get the benefits of ACV with the raw, unfiltered and unpasteurized version containing “the mother“. It sounds foreign and, quite possibly, extraterrestrial but this is really one product that can be utilized for a number of things…but we’ll discuss that another time. If you’re really looking to enhance the appearance of your skin, try apple cider vinegar as a toner and a daily supplement by mixing 1-2 tablespoons in water (or apple juice-yum!) to mask the flavor, up to three times a day.
3. Use coconut oil instead of lotion. Simply put, I can’t believe I ever used drug store lotions. The chemicals used in some can actually has reverse effects by stripping your skin of its natural oils. Have you ever tried reading the ingredients on the back of your typical drug store brand? It might have well been written in Chinese…that’s assuming you definitely don’t speak Chinese. You can pick up a large container of organic coconut oil at Costco, in fact, I believe it comes in a two-pack. (Oh, I love you Costco). Keep one in the kitchen for cooking and stick the other one in your bathroom for slathering yourself up after the shower. Your skin will thank you! **Use your fingers to massage a dab of coconut oil under your eyes before bed to wake up looking refreshed.
4. Make your own body wash. Your skin is the biggest organ on your body and comes into contact with many toxins and chemicals throughout the day, some coming from household products within your very own home. Pollution and other particles are absorbed by your skin each day leaving it dry and susceptible. Making your own wash smells delicious, costs less than buying other brands with similar quality ingredients and is completely customizable! This is the recipe I’ve been using lately and I love it!
5. Vitamin E oil has so many benefits. It’s frequently used for acne scars, eczema, psoriasis, brittle cuticles, sunburns, split ends and more. Use vitamin E oil as an overnight lip repair or in place of chapstick. As with coconut oil, you can also use a dab or two under each eye before bed as a under eye night serum.
6. Tea tree oil is an incredible product. You can pick up a bottle for a couple bucks at Trader Joe’s or any grocery/beauty supply store that carries natural products. Use it to spot treat pimples by lightly swabbing over it with a Q-Tip or adding to your favorite face mask mixture.
7. Raw honey face masks changed the game for my skin pampering routine. Manuka honey is known to be the best choice for it’s potent antibacterial, anti-inflammatory compounds also containing antioxidant and humectant qualities. In other words, honey masks help to aid in healing scars, breaking down the bacteria in pimples, retaining moisture in the skin and delaying the signs of aging. Apply an even amount over your face with your fingers, gently massaging it into your skin and let sit for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Of course, Manuka honey is not the only kind you can use but be aware that as with most natural remedies, it’s crucial to buy organic, raw and unpasteurized. *The heating (pasteurization) of these products kill the beneficial properties within. For an added benefit, source local raw honey to help reduce allergies.
8. Replace your chemical-laden perfumes with all-natural scented oils such as rose, lavender, gardenia or jasmine. Many boutiques can even customize a smell to your liking by combining a few of your favorites. Be sure to opt for oils that are all natural with no artificial colors, scents or additives. I find the best oils have no water or alcohol in them. This makes for a higher quality product and will smell lovely much longer than your typical perfume.
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